Sunday, October 12, 2008

Not Me Monday, 3rd Edition.

It's Monday! Hooray! And there is no school today, so I am more than thrilled. As part of my thrill of the holiday, I am posting my Not Me's for the week! If you enjoy these Not Me's come on over to MCK and read some more! Hey, you might just want to make up your own list.

  • I did not fall on the floor laughing my head off when my 5 year old fell into the toilet when she was using it.
  • I did not let my dishes pile up in the sink, to the point that I had to use the sprayer to fill up the coffee pot. I would NEVER do such a thing.
  • I did not make a whole pan of apple dumplings for the church homecoming, taste one, and decide that I couldn't carry them to church because they are too good to share. Nope. And I certainly did not whip up a carrot cake to replace the missing dessert. That would be terrible of me!
  • I did not wear pants to church today because I didn't feel like shaving my legs.
  • I did not borrow my 5 year old's strawberry glitter lip gloss to wear to church today.
  • I did not skip a day of home school lessons with my daughter simply because the sun was out and it was magnificent outside.
  • I did not accidentally/on purpose blow off someone's request for my baby girl's outgrown baby clothes because I am selfishly hording them and thinking she will either shrink to fit them again, or that by some miracle I find some time to make those clothes into a quilt.
  • I did not intentionally leave the complete link to my whole blog, instead of just my Not Me post, so that you would read the hilarious post directly underneath of it.
  • I did not keep a post it note handy this week to keep some of my Not Me's fresh in my braincell depleted noggin. And I am not posting this a day early. Really. Check your calendar.
I hope that you enjoyed my little confessions this week. I can't wait to read yours.


Jennifer said...

I would've laughed at mine for falling in the toilet too!! Great Not Me's!

Ashley said...

I have NEVER used the sprayer to fill coffee pot cause sink was too full of dishes!!

Kelsey said...

I haven't laughed my head off at the 3 yr old falling into the toilet on one of her first tries. Thankfully she is still using the toilet!

I didn't also just read the post directly below and laugh out loud because that really is too funny!

S.L.P said...

Yeah falling in the toliet is a cause for laughter. I'm still reeling over your super funny kids.

Heidi @ Tayterjaq's Rebels said...

I love your not me's. Definitely things I have never done.
I also loved the post underneath this one. It was so funny. Sounds like something my kids would have done.

Anonymous said...

Your not me's were funny and so was the one below..

Not that I read any of

Shanan Strange said...

Now, I would have laughed my head off too about falling in the toilet.. I would have taken it one step farther and made her stay in the toilet while I got my camera out.. then proceeded to post it on my blog. Geezzzz.. I'm bad!

heidi said...

I did NOT scroll directly down and read the post right before this, as directed. :-)

Amie said...

I have soooo been there with the toilet.. sometimes laughing so hard I forgot that I hadn't pulled them out.

And I CANNOT relate;) to the eating of the church dessert. NOT something I would do or have ever done. ;) I think it was might Christian of you to back a replacement.. I'm just sayin. :)


Hall Family in MD said...

Skipping lessons for beautiful weather is totally allowed!

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

Great "not me's." My three year old fell in this week, and I've been keeping a running post it note too.

Have a blessed week.

Anna said...

:) Very silly as usual!

Loved it!

Kelly said...

Oh my your blog is sooo good!

I came by to tell you that I FINALLY posted how I changed my backgound. If you are still interested, please come by. I also made a request for anyone else to give "How tos" on this also.

Your blog really makes me smile!!
Beautiful Blessings~ Kelly Maria